
Bearing and Distance Operational

A project log for WEEDINATOR 2017

An autonomous roving CNC weeding/cultivating machine guided by GPS and coloured markers.

goat-industriesGoat Industries 12/03/2017 at 16:520 Comments

The Ublox C94 M8P has been configured to provide a heading and distance to my nearest town :

Obviously I don't want the machine to actually go there - it's just a test to see if I'm getting correct results.

The software used is by SlashDevin - NeoGPS. Special attention was required to get the baud rate selected properly for all functions of the Ublox to work (19200), most importantly it's ability to get a fix between the Rover and Base station. The base just sits on a pole somewhere and using the two as a pair error correction due to atmospheric anomalies can be achieved.
