

A project log for prism laser scanner

bringing additive manufacturing to the next level

hexastormHexastorm 01/09/2025 at 14:540 Comments

The boards sponsored by PCBWay are shown below. Progress in the last days has been good.
Following things are working: prism motor (spins), laserdiode (can turn on & pogo pin system works), TMC2209 communications work, ESP32 and ICEUP5K (FPGA) work.

Progress has been as follows:

    -  9 december:  received boards

    -  14 december  boards populated & compute board working

                              numbers of some parts where wrong, which required extra shipment from mouser

    -  19 december extension board populated (after receipt parts)

                             I encountered a bug.

    -  30 december  bug has been resolved

                              Two issues: - schema error (5V connected to 3.3V, this has been mitigated with soldering tricks)

                                                  - stepper motors communicate via UART1 which can create issues with UART0 (micropython repl)

                                                    this is a bug upstream but can be mitigated by a trick in the script.

  -  2 january       Destroyed laptop (applied 12V over USB input) 

  -  6 january       Mounted motor, encountered issues moved to different board

  -  7,8 january     Changed code, ESP32 communicates with FPGA,  spinning of prism work
  -  9 january        Laser works (forward diode voltage of 2.5V)
  - 13 january        Laser can be calibrated while on (pogo sytem works good)
                             Laser diode prism test --> pass
 - 14 january         Stability test / Mounting on machine
                              laser reaches stability criterion
                              mirror position without cylinder lens does work
                              mirror position for cylinder does not work
                                  (cylinder lens might work, mirror position not optimal, needs testing)
-  18 january         x and y motor work, homing switches work
                            spi unreliable (fails every 100_000 writes)
-  21 january        spi issue fixed; (bad soldered bord + incorrect setting)
-  22 January      test exposure works (resoldered x-dir pin,

Current challenges remaining
      -  micropython might throttle the laserhead by not providing data at the correct speed
              (I need to implement a check for this, e.g. can the laserhead process the expected amount of
               lines in a minute)
      - wiring is not optimal, folded FFC cable
