It's not dead... it just needs time to get data from the fields...
That's where problems start... It took time after I designed the CM3 base board (mother board you could call that) and now Farnell (element14 in some countries) does not supply them any more... well that led me to reinvent the wheel _again_ and stick to the common RPi boards...
So we have again new boards out and we maybe get new (and hopefully similar) data...
Btw the old ones were good... depending on the cellular reception we get 4-6 months of runtime from the 6 Lipo cells! The only problem were the SMD USB connectors... They just died and stripped from the PCB. => Fixed due to the THD connectors on the normal RPi!
Stay tuned, after I've a month or so of experience, I'll publish schematics,...
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