

The last time you forgot to take or misplaced your Umbrella

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This is a replacement for the handle of your umbrella. Connects to the Internet (of everything) via BLE 4.2 using your phones connection or a gateway if you are at your premises and gets a weather forecast for your location for the next 16-24 hours. If it is going to rain it will start flashing the base LEDs . If you leave the house without it while it is expected to rain or if you are out of the house and you had you umbrella with you when you left but now it is out of range you get notified by your phone.


x-openscad - 1.70 kB - 06/12/2017 at 12:59



x-openscad - 309.00 bytes - 06/12/2017 at 12:59


  • 1 × nRF51822 FFC/EC Certified Module
  • 1 × Case base 3D printed from PETG filament
  • 1 × Case top 3D printed from Ninjaflex filament
  • 1 × CR2025 battery or similar
  • 1 × CR2025 battery case

View all 10 components

  • LEDE Project Gateway Build

    Sotirios Vrachas06/12/2017 at 15:07 0 comments

    For gateway devices with limited memoy

    git clone lede
    cd lede
    git checkout v17.01.1
    make defconfig
    make image -j 3 PROFILE=tl-wr703n-v1 PACKAGES="kmod-usb-ohci kmod-usb-uhci kmod-bluetooth kmod-bluetooth_6lowpan bluez-libs bluez-utils"

    where 3 in

    -j 3

    is the number of CPU cores that you have available plus one and the tl-wr703n-v1 in


    is your device model.

    scp bin/targets/*/*/*sysupgrade.bin root@lededevice:/tmp/sysupgrade.bin

    is the network address of the device.

    ssh root@lededevice
    sysupgrade /tmp/sysupgrade.bin

  • Case design

    Sotirios Vrachas06/12/2017 at 14:00 0 comments

    I want to replace the stock handle of umbrellas with my handles that included the magic.
    Experimented with clear nylon and clear petg 3d printing filaments.
    After testing both the petg was a lot more clear, transparent, and was snappable making prototyping a lot easier.

    I designed a concept case to test the lights and the defusion of tha petg. i sanded the case and then applied clear varnish. made a coin cell + led and enclosed it in the case to see how the lighting will work under different condition.

    Dew to space constrains and the fact that one led dose not seep to be enough, concluded that smd leds will have to be used.

    Took the dimensions of the original hanle and experimented with making a base for the common M14 screw umbrella's have for the handle mound

  • Case design

    Sotirios Vrachas06/12/2017 at 13:58 0 comments

    I want to replace the stock handle of umbrellas with my handles that included the magic.
    Experimented with clear nylon and clear petg 3d printing filaments.
    After testing both the petg was a lot more clear, transparent, and was snappable making prototyping a lot easyer.

    I designed a concept case to test the lights and the defusion of tha petg. i sanded the case and then applied clear varnish. made a coin cell + led and enclsed it in the case to see how the lighting will work under diffrent condition.

    Dew to space constrains and the fact that one led dose not seep to be enougth, concluded that smd leds will have to be used.

  • Firmware

    Sotirios Vrachas06/12/2017 at 13:54 0 comments

    After researching the available platforms and concluding on the nRF51822, the choice of the firmware had to be researched.
    Candidate RTOS with 6loWPAN support
    Nordics SDK

    Contiki port for nRF51822 does not handle the radio, so this one was eliminated

    Then the Nordic's sdk have a binary blob for the radio and a special non free clause in the license.

    The RIOT seems to be the only Free and Open Source rtos that seems to support the platform, their is even reference in the nordics blog for the nrf52.

    The RIOT documentation is unclear if the radio of nRF51 is suppoted or not .

    Following the RIOT instructions for nRF51822 lead to a working system without radio.

    Tried flashing riot after flashing softradio and investigated how the Nordic sdk was loaded to memory.

    Then when ahead and compiled and flashed the IoT SDK from Nordic specifically the CoAP Server Examples. those required a softradio that was not production ready and will never be according to Nordic.

    I manged to ping the device over ble with the linklocal ipv6 that matched its Mac addresses.

    The latency reported by ping was 100ms no mater the distance between of the radios.

View all 4 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Using a LEDE router as the gateway


    Gateway has IPv6 Access

    USB BLE Dongle or on board

    Device with LEDE-project firmware and USB port if no BLE support onboard.

    Comfort with command line.

    Connect with SSH and run


    opkg update
    opkg install kmod-bluetooth kmod-bluetooth_6lowpan bluez-libs bluez-utils kmod-usb-core kmod-usb-ohci kmod-usb2 radvd





    modprobe bluetooth_6lowpan

    mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug

    echo 35 > /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/6lowpan_psm

    hcitool lescan

  • 2
    Step 2
    echo "connect 00:11:22:33:44:55 1" > /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/6lowpan_control

    where 00:11:22:33:44:55 is the MAC address of your UmbrellaMod

  • 3
    Step 3

    Distributing routable IPv6 prefix

    To configure RADVD create /etc/radvd.conf file and paste the following contents:

    interface bt0
        AdvSendAdvert on;
        prefix 2001:db8::/64
            AdvOnLink off;
            AdvAutonomous on;
            AdvRouterAddr on;

    Next, start RADVD daemon:

    # Set IPv6 forwarding (must be present).
    sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
    # Run radvd daemon.
    sudo service radvd restart

    If successfull then the UmbrellaMod connected to the host will receive a routable 2001:db8 prefix.

    This can be verified by sending echo request to the full address:

    ping6 -I bt0 2001:db8::2aa:bbff:fexx:yyzz

    where aa:bbff:fexx:yyzz is device Bluetooth address.

View all 3 instructions

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