
Implementing Analog Modulation Functionality in ERASynth

A project log for ERASynth

Open-Source, Arduino-Compatible RF Signal Generator with Wi-Fi Connectivity

edensrockedensrock 06/15/2017 at 20:550 Comments

One of the most frequently asked questions about ERASynth was about availability of analog modulation functionality. When we designed ERASynth’s current revision, we payed attention to do it such that basic analog modulation types could be implemented by software. We were planning to leave to users, but since we received so many questions, we decided to work on it. We have implemented basic AM and pulse. For now we can say: AM rates up to 10 kHz for external input and AM rates up to 2 kHz when using internal generator can be generated with ERASynth. Please watch the video below to see a quick demo:

FM Functionality and Diagnostics in ERASynth

We’ve finally added FM functionality to ERASynth.

When it comes to microwave synthesizers, there are several ways of implementing analog modulation functions. These are very nicely outlined in the article “Implementing Modulation Functions in Microwave Frequency Synthesizers” by Chenakin.

During the past week, It has explored different methods of FM signal generation. Please watch the following video for a quick demo. We also show the “Diagnostics” feature of ERASynth in the video.


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