Joan’s Slack integration takes booking out of the clunky calendar and works it into your Slack workflow.
You can book a meeting room comfortably and efficiently.
Plus, the options are limitless.
What if you could say: “Hey, Boardroom 2, I have a big meeting coming up on Thursday from 2 to 4pm, book a spot for me, would you?”
Or if you could say “Hey, I’d like to schedule a meeting with John, Adam and Lisa on Thursday. What time works for all of us?”
We’re thinking automatic reminders that a meeting is coming up, so latecomers won’t have any excuse. We’re thinking even about ordering coffee or lunch or letting the IT department know the screencast isn’t working for some reason.
Joan’s Slack integration, currently in beta, is working on doing all that so you can cut time where you can, work better, do more and be happier about it.