If you like this project and wanted to make a game, I would love to see and would probably make a video of me playing it. You can send me it at dylantdmt@gmail.com
An arduino uno based game console.
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If you like this project and wanted to make a game, I would love to see and would probably make a video of me playing it. You can send me it at dylantdmt@gmail.com
Here is the product page for the Version 2 release:
I have added a speaker!
The file containing software will now come with programming documentation, a guess the number game, a pong game, an app that plays shave and a hair cut when you tap the screen, and a piano app. Also, you should be able to run it on all original arduino's like the uno, duemillanove, etc. now because of a code optimization.
Here is the read me from the *.zip:
GAMEDUINO version 2.0.1
-bug fixes
-write/read files
-loss of buttons/analogue stick(move to all touch)
-file open menu
one sd card needed not multiple for different games
FileToList.exe for adding files to the list of applications
Application storage up to 20
-updated pong and guess the number
-shave & a haircut playing application
-keyboard application
-2.986Kb Left on arduino uno (0.986Kb for duemillanove)
-Please enjoy!!
The new files and a new video will be released soon. If you are following this project, I will make a new one when I release 2.0, so I will post a link for those who wish to see it. The video will also be on youtube and the code available on my website under the GAMEDUINO 2.0 tab (not the regular GAMEDUINO tab).
Thank you.
I have finished version 2.0 of this project. The console is now portably powered, smaller, but it now has less room to modify the code, taking up 30K to run and making it only work on the uno as far as ATmega328p microcontrollers go because the bootloader only takes 2K leaving enough room for the program to initialize variables and such. On the duemilanove it won't start because the 168K for the programs many char*'s and int's is not there.
However, the new program has a number of important updates:
-portable do to less power consumption because of removal of button and analogue sticks
-updated touchscreen function - Now accepting variables
-updated better running versions of pong and guess the number
-removed paint program when no sd
-Now can have up to 20 applications on sd
-Get file with program
-Open it with FileToList.exe(included)
-This will add it to applications list
-Reset Gameduino with sd card
-Code optimization
While I have finished the overall code optimization and features, I have yet to complete the updated pong game. As soon as I finish, I will create a new project with the BlueOkiris Gameduino 2.0. You will still be able to fins the old version here and at http://blueokiris.webs.com/gameduino/ .
I have finished Version 2.0 of the BlueOkiris Gameduino and updated Pong and Guess the Number. However, I will not be releasing the update until I have a new game. I have started working on Xorx, an RPG for the console, but that will not be complete for a while. If anyone wants to create a game for the console, you can find information at http://blueokiris.webs.com/gameduino/
Then you can email me at dylantdmt@gmail.com with your game attached.
I will place it in the next video showing version 2, and I will post it on the website unless otherwise intended.
Added a small paint program. It boots when you leave out your SD card. Again, will post as Version 2 as soon as I make the RPG.
I just improved the speed so that it has less flickering. Now all colors must be entered in a RGB565 manor, but it does allow for more colors. I will post an updated video and code under Version 2 as soon as I make the next game, my RPG.
Get supplies, listed above.
Take your button or real pushbutton, and set up a circuit. Do not use a male end to connect to an arduino. Fit the open wires into the slots. Digital pin 9.
Take the analog stick and solder the appropriate wires to it. Place ground to ground, 5v to 5v, x to A4, and y to A5. Again do not use male ends to the arduino.
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