
System design

A project log for Home automation system with Twitter

Home automation system with video surveillance that indicates state by tweet.

sircloverSirClover 08/17/2014 at 15:350 Comments

This is the system design.

In this picture, as you can see, in the part of Arduino, it has connected:

- LDR: to measure the amount of ambiental light.

- RELAY: to activate or deactivate the outputs of the PCB.

- LCD: to show the messages about the state of the PCB.

In the part of Raspberry Pi it has connected a webcam that allows you to see what happen in the room.

The control of the PCB is based in a local ip that contains a webpage made by Arduino with the Ethernet Shield.

To see the streaming of the video you have to access to the Raspberry's local ip at the port 8081.

All the modifications made in the PCB are notificated to the Twitter account.


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