Rain predicted for this weekend where I live and I only have a ute (pickup for you Yanks out there), so doesn't look like I'll get the chance to move much this weekend including the parts for the groundskeeper chassis.
Also next week we have the Sydney Mini Maker Faire on which the hackerspace I belong to (RoboDojo Makerspace) is attending so I'll be busy that weekend also, meaning that unfortunately I won't have any decent photos up in time for the close of this round of voting for the Hackaday Prize.
One of the projects I'm completing for the SMMF is an automated Nerf sentry gun. Another of the Sydney hackerspaces likes to wear T-shirts with their logo on it to these events, so I'm going to make my sentry target that logo on the day, mwuhahaha. No bad blood between us, it's all just in the spirit of fun. The sentry could eventually become part of the groundskeeper to target unwanted pest in the yard (unlikely, but I figured keep this post relevant to my RoboWillie project).
Actually it's pretty funny, whenever I say the name of my project I have a little giggle. Willy here in Australia is a slang term for a certain male organ, so having a robotic one... well I digress!
Anyway... until I get the chance to get the parts over and start taking photos etc. I'll have plenty of time to keep planning and get back to working on the ROS installation for the onboard PC. It's fairly standard installation but I just need to make sure I install the correct libraries for the 3D camera and the LIDAR scanner. Also I'll use this time to make an introduction video for the entry requirements, talking on film is a little out of my comfort zone, but hey, it needs to be done!
That's all for today, next update should hopefully include the video.
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