
Mini Maker Faire Wrap-Up

A project log for RoboWillie

A robotic groundskeeper capable of performing all your yardwork needs.

praetorianpraetorian 08/20/2014 at 02:020 Comments

So this weekend past was the Sydney Mini Maker Faire, boy am I exhausted!

We had approximately 5,500 visitors come through the Powerhouse Museum over the two days and going by my voice you would guess I spoke with a good portion of them! I also did several interviews and panel discussions so I'm thoroughly stuffed! That being said, my Nerf sentry turret was quite a popular attraction and considering the rush job performed rather well (started on Monday night, finished up around 1am Saturday morning, 5am start to get to the Faire!). Here's a couple of pics/youtube vids of the turret set up at MMFSYD.

Now that the Maker Faire is over, I need to get on with the video requirement for the RoboWillie project. Have to complete tonight after work!!!
