

LightClock is a simple clock based on an Arduino + LCD shield, Chronodot and NeoPixels rings.

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LightClock displays the time on the LED rings and LCD screen.
Time can be adjusted using the LCD shield buttons.
LightClock uses the Adafruit Chronodot which is a battery-backed RTC so it doesn't loose track of time when it's unplugged.
The case design sucks, it needs to be redone. in the meantime, a little crazyglue will prevent it from falling appart.

This was initially the base of a workshop to introduce the Arduino to a bunch of friends.

I've listed ideas for future features in the Readme on Github...

  • Update to the OpenSCAD files

    Pierre Cauchois08/29/2014 at 04:41 0 comments

    Just added a couple of OpenSCAD files for the PIR sensor and the buttons that I will use for the master on/off switch as well as the PIR override pushbutton. Also I modified the LCD shield file to include a version of the shield without the stacking headers and a version with them. It's all on the PIR branch in Github.

  • PIR Sensor

    Pierre Cauchois08/13/2014 at 21:26 0 comments

    I've just created a new branch to add a PIR sensor to the clock. it's used to light-up the clock for some amount of time (currently 1 hour) when it detects movement, otherwise turn all LEDs and LCD screen off. Next is a button to override or lock the on/off state. 

    The PIR sensor and button will probably replace screws as "eyes" of the clock, when I redesign the enclosure.

  • It's crappy but it's V1

    Pierre Cauchois08/08/2014 at 06:19 0 comments

    I've just decided to call the current state v1. it works as expected even though the code isn't exactly clean and the case design sucks...

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