The two bartop machines were made for my cousins as Christmas presents. They each contain raspberry pi zeros and 22 inch monitors. The speakers are cheap ones from ebay for one and on the other there are built in speakers in monitor. For the full sized arcade, I made it as a school project and the laptop is an old dell so it functions as the screen and pc. I designed the interior wood structure in sketchup. I installed Ubuntu 16.10 on it and retropie for the emulators. The joystick and buttons for the full sized arcade are made of an old Logitech joystick given to me by a friend and I hacked together arcade buttons to it to replace the original buttons, and yet the top of the arcade stick is a bouncy ball. The sides are painted with spray paint and acrylic and were meant to resemble space invaders and galaxian. Each arcade took a full day to construct and the bartop ones cost a total of about $120 each. The full sized one was cheaper since I had the laptop, and joystick.
More Pictures and Videos giving more explanation can be found under my external link to dropbox
Arcade Cabinet.skp
This is the sketchup doc of the full sized machine
SSEYO Koan Play File -
262.20 kB -
05/21/2017 at 22:10
If anyone is interested in learning on how to make an arcade machine of your own and want some tips, add your comment to this discussion. I would love to help. If you have tips for me, also add them to this discussion.
If anyone is interested in learning on how to make an arcade machine of your own and want some tips, add your comment to this discussion. I would love to help. If you have tips for me, also add them to this discussion.