

A project log for HQ Wireless Audio

I don't want to pay $200, when i can pay $250 and learn something. Wireless audio by someone who doesn't know anything about it.

zacnoteszacnotes 08/08/2014 at 18:180 Comments

Project started on, to track my progress. I have ordered some parts from TI, and will post pictures of them when they show up. I need to learn how to solder an exposed die. I also need to figure out how to prototype with the chip, without making it unusable in a final custom PCB. I have begun reading through the datasheets for the CC85xx wireless audio chip and the TLV320AIC3204 audio codec chip, as well as downloaded and begun poking through the PurePath wireless configurator software. I will post items of note and intended paths here, until I actually get to work with the chips themselves.
