
USB BiPower OTG Flex Module

Bipolar power supply +/- 3.3V from USB. + rail is ~3A, - rail is ~300mA. For sale on Tindie.

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Modified USB Hi Power module to include an inverter providing -3.3V rail for ECG and similar analog bio-sensors. Further improved with new logic for i2c management and OTG.

This board is part of Fyber Labs Flex Module project.

The current design is a TPS62086 driven from a USB 2.0 micro A/B connector. USB lines are filtered through a ECMF02-2AMX6 and TPD1E05U06DPYT for ESD and a TPD1S514-1YZR for high voltage supression. The data lines are further processed by a TSU6721YFPR which will run BCD 1.2 negotiations and communicates over i2c. The power of the TPS62086 is driven from USB VBUS or VBAT from an external battery source. The TPS2115ADRBRG4 decides which power input to select and will also power the new negative 300mA SMPS LMR70503TM/NOPB (replacing the -3.3V charge pump).

Provides standard USB supplied +5V, +3.3V, GND, -3.3V, USB D+/- , ID.

OTG is supported directly with the MAX3353EEBP-T charge pump. This optional component can negotiate OTG with an OTG supporting microcontroller or by itself controlled over i2c.

Any software related will be released under BSD or MIT license. SAAS or cloud based software will be AGPL.

Creative Commons License

  • 1 × TPS62086 Power Management ICs / Switching Regulators and Controllers
  • 1 × TSU6721YFPR Switches and Multiplexers / USB Switches and Multiplexers
  • 1 × ECMF02-2AMX6 Passive Filters / Data Line Filters
  • 1 × LMR70503TM/NOPB Power Management ICs / DC-DC Converters and Controllers
  • 1 × TPS2115ADRBRG4 Power Management ICs / Power Supply Support

View all 12 components

  • Grrrr

    Chris Hamilton06/22/2015 at 22:28 0 comments

    I was afraid the MAX3353 might be NRND. Maxim doesn't make it too clear, but it was cut recently. For USB OTG to be supported long term, I'll need to swap in something like the STOTG04E. This may be a tough fit. I'll see what I can do, but it adds UART or i2c bridging support. I need to research D+/D- orientation. It may require changing out the USB connector and/or the TSU6721. The power supplies run well, I just need to pick a solution that doesn't get NRND'ed the second I finish the board.

  • Variations

    Chris Hamilton06/22/2015 at 05:32 0 comments

    While working on this board, I believe I should make a version that provides a USB bridge such as a i2c or UART to USB bridge. This depends on space available. Also, I believe the STM32 Large Flex Module may be able to include a version of this schematic.

  • Sorry for the delay

    Chris Hamilton06/22/2015 at 01:32 0 comments

    Been working on other projects, even ones dependent on this board :). Anyway, I finally made one correctly after an additional issue with updating copper pours. The new design should support full current quite well and tests out OK. There is one 'smart' charger that shuts down after 30 seconds or so, but other power banks seem to work with it quite well without control logic. I need to figure out what is triggering the shutdown, hopefully nothing architectural. The design should just work with or without i2c management.

  • Bad pattern

    Chris Hamilton04/11/2015 at 08:07 0 comments

    Feel pretty derpy. I just was populating these boards last night (I had a cold which has slowed me down by a week). The ESD/choke coil pattern was elongated. I think I never put one side's dimensions in and it just sort of looked right. Anyway, I fixed it and the bonus is a small improvement in routing, especially on the optional OTG charge pump/negotiator. I'll get them back in a couple of weeks to test again...

  • Yet more changes

    Chris Hamilton11/30/2014 at 08:54 0 comments

    I have been working with TI on adding in optional charger support. Ideally, this module can run independent of a microcontroller or a charger. If it is standalone, it will do a BCD1.2 compatible check for a USB charging source to harness power. I believe I can also support OTG and if you have been watching our github, you will see some initial schematics. I'll be working with some new chips that are i2c based, but should cost similar and still work standalone. Providing OTG power support is pretty rare, so I think it will be an interested feature. In addition, there will be significantly improved filtering.

  • Change of design

    Chris Hamilton09/26/2014 at 06:00 0 comments

    We are swapping parts.  Instead of the TPS62067, we are utilizing the TPS62086 buck converter for an increased current capability of 3A.  In addition, we are utilizing a LM2663MX instead of the TPS60401 to increase the -3.3V rail to 200mA.

View all 6 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Detailed discussion of tools and process will be made on the Flex Module project.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Order board from OSHPark and solder paste stencil through OSH Stencils.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Order BOM components.

View all 5 instructions

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