
Nana nana nana Batbox

Low cost bluetooth bat detector to equip the public to find and record bats and upload details to a bat survey online.

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Low cost bluetooth bat detector to equip the public to find and record bats and upload details to a bat survey online.

1) Find bats
2) Record their calls (ultrasonic 50 to 150 kHz)
3) Upload calls over bluetooth to iPhone or Android
4) Process calls to identify species of bat
5) use onboard GPS to log audio sighting details
6) Upload calls to public bat survey website to help monitor populations

Notes to self  

1) Eyes should be Red LED's which flash when a bat call is detected.

2) Project picture should be a picture of the case model.

3) maybe make a gif of the case spinning and the stopping and the eyes flashing?

  • 1 × DSP Chip
  • 1 × Bluetooth Module
  • 1 × Enclosure Ears acting as audio horns to focus signals to two microphones while allowing rain or moisture to escape
  • 1 × Battery pack
  • 1 × Microphone Electret type probably. Linear response required in the ultrasound band.

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  • User specifications

    Joni08/18/2014 at 14:41 0 comments

    The ability of a user to upload and compare samples online seems a very useful idea.

    Perhaps the unique calls of individual bats will be detected in multiple locations showing the range of these interesting mammals.

    Modelling the ability of a horn fed microphone to detect low amplitude sounds is not currently on the agenda buy I am concerned the sensitivity of this may not be enough.  Having a cute looking detector that leverages the processing and sensors of a smartphone for logging is good but if the microphone concentrators shapred as ears result in the device being too directional that may reduce the ability of the detector to detect and identify bat calls.

    P.S.  Perhaps the case could be covered in a soft foam to damp vibrations from the user while it is being held?

    In this use case which I imagine is the most common then the design of the case for handheld use deserves detailed attention.

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