
End of the week summary

A project log for BlueBasic: BASIC for Bluetooth

Embedded BASIC interpreter for CC2540 and CC2541 Bluetooth LE modules

tim-wilkinsonTim Wilkinson 09/06/2014 at 05:050 Comments

So. End of the week and here's where we are. All images on github are now fully OTA upgradable. If you flash one onto a device using the trusty CCDebugger, you can update them using the Console program without having to plug the board in again. Also, I've consolidate various other separate git projects under the common BlueBasic repository and added a few examples to try out.

Next weeks goals - move the BASIC program being run out of RAM and info FLASH (there's more FLASH after all). I'll need to write some FLASH management stuff which should be fun. I also need to add to the documentation (rather ignored this week) and begin the next hardware revision.
