Using timer in micropython is also simple. To use timer, we need to import Timer library first from machine importTimer
Basic usage:
Define Timer
Timer 3 is reserved for internal use. Timer 5 controls the servo drive. Timer 6 is used to signaling ADC / DAC read/write. It is recommended to use other timer in your program.
tim=Timer(1, freq=100)
tim=Timer(4, freq=200, callback=f)
Set frequency: tim.freq(100)
Define callback function (interrupt): tim.callback(f)
Disable callback function: tim.callback(None)
Introduction of Timer library
Obtain or set timer counter
Obtained or (if setting changes prescaler and period) set frequency timer
timer.init(*, freq, prescaler, period) initialize timer. Initialization must have frequency (Hz) or prescaler tim.init(freq=100), tim.init(prescaler=83, period=999) keyword parameter:
freq — Frequency with specified time period
Prescaler—Prescaler, [0-0xffff]. Timer frequency is system clock
(prescaler + 1). The highest frequency of timer 2-7 and 12-14 is 84MHz, that of timer 1, 8-11 is 168MHz
Period—Period value(ARR). Timer 1/3/4/6-15 is [0-0xffff]. Timer 2 and 5 is [0-0x3fffffff]
Check port no. from my computer. Right-click->my computer->management->device manager->port. Port No. is COM9.
Open and run terminal putty of micropython. Select port no. (COM9), connection type (Serial)

Press enter key several times after Open. We can enter micropython language at putty terminal
Press Ctrl+E to access paste mode, and right-click in the mode to paste program. Press Ctrl+D to complete pasting. Micropython will execute pasting program
Example of Timer
Timing period output 1
from machine import Timer
tim = Timer(-1)
def func(t):
print (1)
tim.init(period=2000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=func)

Timing one-time output 2
from machine import Timer
tim = Timer(-1)
def func(t):
tim.init(period=2000, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=func)

Breathing Light
from machine import Pin,Timer,PWM
pwm = PWM(Pin(14),100)
polar = 0
duty = 0
def setLed(t):
global duty,polar
if(polar == 0):
if(duty >= 1008):
polar = 1
duty -= 16
if(duty <= 0):
polar = 0
tim = Timer(1)
tim.init(period=10,mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=setLed)
while True:

I2C is two-wire communication protocol between devices. It only needs two signal lines in the physical layer: SCL and SDA, which is clock and data line respectively.
I2C communication program between esp8266 and EEPROM Data Storage Module For Arduino
from machine import Pin, I2C
i2c =I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=100000)
I2C.init(scl, sda, *, freq=400000)
初始化 I2C:
Initialize I2C:
scl represents pin of SCL
sda represents pin of SDA
freq represents clock rate of SCL
Standard Bus Operation
I2C master mode read-write operation
I2C.readfrom(addr, nbytes)
Read data from device at specified address, and return to the read object
I2C.readfrom_into(addr, buf)
Read data from device at specified address to the buffer. The read number is the length of buf
I2C.writeto(addr, buf, )
Enter data to device
Original I2C operation
The following methods perform the original I2C main operation. They can be combined to produce various I2C transactions. Providing these methods is to better control bus, otherwise using
standard method is sufficient.
Send start bit from the bus (SDA goes low when SCL is high)
Send stop bit (SCL goes high when SCL is high)
Read data from the bus and store it on buf. The read number is the length of buf. ACK signal is sent when the penultimate data is received. NACK signal is transmitted when all the data has been received.
Enter the buffer data to the bus. Check whether ACK is received every time of sending a byte. If not, it will cause OSError abnormity.
We used esp8266 and EEPROM Data Storage Module For Arduino to do a simple I2C communication.
We find its I2C address from the display code. I will not say much here. Open the said web page. From its code we find the address is 0x50. Then we connect the corresponding GND VCC SDASCL of DFR0117 to GND VCC SDA SCL of esp8266. Finally we connect esp8266 to PC.
Check port no. from my computer. Right-click->my computer->management->device manager->port. Port no. is COM9.
Open and run terminal putty of micropython. Select port no. (COM9), connection type (Serial)
Other settings are show below. Click Open after setting.
Press enter key several times after Open. We can enter micropython language at putty terminal.