After a long time, I'm finally updating the prjoject.
Despite being on vacation, very small progress due to watching World Cup (another one just in 4 years).
I was stuck in the indecision between:
1 - Stick on breadboards, trying to find good ones;
2 - Use universal PCB boards, like these ones:

3 - Go right to the definitive PCBs.
This last one is my choice, and this is the first drawing in EasyEDA (unfinished):
Thanks for reading.
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Same again, EasyEDA but I would suggest a mother board with small cards of no more than 10 chips. Ther reason it it is hard to debug a large board and it costs to redo a large board.
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That would be my choice; I'd rather route PCBs on the computer than solder the routes manually :P
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