Updating project status...
Gave up making the compiler, at least for now. Reasons:
a) It turned out far hard than it seems previously;
b) Seems for me, now, an overkill. It's not that hard to program right in Assembly (have been watching many videos from WR Kits programming the Z80 in Assembly, it could be fun!), since you have a decent editor and an Assembler to take care of "ugly" things like memory addresses and let the programmer to worry only with the program logic.
Picture of the assembler:

That is half the story of last two weeks, the other half is:
Thanks to this question I put on Electronics Stack Exchange, I'm seriousy considering make the computer right to PCBs, skipping the possible headaches of the breadboards...
For designing the PCBs I'm thinking of EasyEDA, and for the manufacturing, AllPCB.com.
Any ideas?
Thanks for reading.
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