
8-25-14 Lunchbreak

A project log for Wi-Fi Controlled Open Scoreboard

A open design for a portable scoreboard that can be controlled over Wi-Fi, and integrated into event management software.

christopher-kratzChristopher Kratz 08/25/2014 at 17:590 Comments

Well, between family fun time and battling KiCad, I didn't quite hit my goal. I managed to separate the power supply circuit to a separate project and am in progress of laying out the board. KiCad has been a challenge for me, as this is my first project with it. Although i have only done one other board ever, it was done in Eagle, and I have to say it was much easier. The point I gave up yesterday was when I realized the netlist was screwed up and it was having me route pins that clearly were not connected to any thing in the schematic. I'll try tonight to sort out that madness so I can get some parts on order. I have a project in the back of my head to write programming language for this stuff instead of drawing it and using r. That might be my next project.


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