
NERF Aimbot

The link between plastic darts, newtonian physics, and an Arduino.

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• What is it ?

a Toy.

Basically, the idea is having the gun compensating the fall of the dart.
The compensation would be done by indicating the user how to incline the device.

Distance is calculated by a ping sensor.
A cheap Arduino does the math.
Sensor alignment with servomotor.

This project is early wip.
Ultrasound captor is not good enough, I need a laser ping instead.
Need a giro chip, to track inclinaison of the device.
Also need to rewrite code, with protothreaded captor acquisition / math / display.
Code on github when rdy.

Extension rails built out of old PCIe brackets. Now that's repurposing stuff !

The LCD works over a 8bit shift register, so it's a bit messy, but looks good !

• Elevator speech :

Have you ever wanted to dominate office warfare ? (startups you know ...)
Well I give you the ZF-1
*insert Tony Stark picture with explosions in the BG here*

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Malcolm Rivett wrote 07/13/2020 at 19:45 point

Had an idea for this myself. Was going to use a Measure laser sensor With a mounted laser as red dot With Arduino with a gyro and hud to show gun angle and a button in the trigger that activates on light press before fire to range select the target.

Was going to use a moded acustrike raptostrike with stefan worker kit so its accuracy is higher as reg nerf darts are crap and their fire variation is too high.

My head space is the button would Be semi held at the trigger. To take current angle and distance of gun and then the Arduino would provide a hud display of the optimum angle to adjust to along with a percentage of likeliness to hit target, as the dart tends to be the main variable Id do some number crunching based on a average Measurement calculation of about 10 Bullets The closer thr target the closer the accuracy Average should  be and if successful id move onto the likes of doing a similar mod for a hyper fire. But for The hyperfire trigger would run when the motor is activated And run on a 5 second loop as it collects current range and angle. In a perfect world the laser would stay on target calculating the optimum angle on the fly but i cant see that easily acheived unless the laser and range attachment hung from a pendulum to keep it at a constant level while the gun is tilted to compensate to calculate its angle. This how ever woild mean you couldnt use it to target low lying targets with it from an elevated position you would have to raise the gun up n down to the targets approximate height and also angle up to hit the target.

Looks like an old project did you give up?

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P wrote 09/02/2014 at 11:10 point
Sweet =D

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PointyOintment wrote 08/17/2014 at 02:56 point
A gyro alone cannot give inclination info. An accelerometer can, but it can't differentiate between gravity and the vibrations of carrying the blaster around. Therefore, you need both, and some kind of filtering scheme to fuse the readings from both sensors into a reliable inclination value. A complementary filter would probably work fine for this, and is easier to implement than some other options. If you don't want to do that work (or if your Arduino isn't up to the task), you can also buy integrated IMU chips (such as the MPU-9150) that do all that for you and give you acceleration and angle data that you can use directly.

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P wrote 09/02/2014 at 11:10 point
You are right all the way.
But for a quick POC I'm going for just the giro for the inclination and consider the target and the user are not moving with user as referential.
Then it's just standard issue external ballistic.
Arduino should be able to handle simple calculations at 60hz.
If not I'll pre compute / jumptable dat thing.

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zuul wrote 08/16/2014 at 22:00 point

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P wrote 09/02/2014 at 10:56 point
Wouldn't it be cool to have a modular gun / gravity gun / portal gun you could build inside HL3 ?
Like hacking science stuff inside HL3 with duct tape and shooting headcrabs with it.
Hope Gabe is reading =D

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