
Android Application

A project log for EverywhereElectric

Motor control/monitor system for a fully featured EV (bike, board, etc), >1KW 3phase motor control, Android control interface and hardware.

jarrodJarrod 08/21/2014 at 05:310 Comments

At this stage of the project, the Android Application development is rudimentary. Currently we have a few sketches outline the building blocks of the application itself. Because of the flexible build regarding the hardware there are many routes that this application could take. The main goal of the application is to allow the system to be expanded for any hacker by using configurable modules, of which can be activated through the settings.

The Modules planned to be included (not limited to):

Navigation using Google Map API

Information blocks:

Hardware Expansion:


Once the base app is established, with the communication with the hardware protocols defined, this can allow the addition of addition modules for any hacker to increase the functionality of their build. 
