System Design
There are three questions that needs to be answered to understand this project.
1. Message String - What has to be displayed ?
2. When the display has to be triggered (Touch Button or perhaps a kiss?) ?
3. How the message has to be displayed ?
What is the message?
This is the string/test which you want to deliver to your loved ones. This could be just alphanumeric or simple pictures (Heart??) which can be accommodated in an 8x8 LED Array. Now to get the message into the system we can either hard code it which burning the code into the micro controller or send the message over Bluetooth or use our PC/Smartphones to load the data into the toy.
When the message has to be displayed?
The message has to be displayed only when the toy is touched or kissed.
How the message is to be displayed?
Over an LED Matrix 8x8 - Driven using an 7219 - Why 7219? It makes programing easier - Why LED? Because LED's are super cool !
For the figure - I will be using cardboard and if time permits wood.
When there is no message - It will display a face.