I followed tronixstuff's Guide for 7219, Initially I had troubles - This was because I was using a 8x8 display which was lying around in my parts bin.
The pins were not mapped properly by me, and China LED's no datasheet - so went ahead and connected +5V to the first pin of the matrix - Then to the 12th pin connected Ground through a 10K resister - Voila - The last LED glowed !
Now figured that the first four pins are Common Anode row pins - Followed by 8 pins pertaining to Common cathode for RED LED's (yes I was using a bicolor Matrix) and the last four (20 to 24) were the rest of the Common Anode row pins.
At many online sites, There were specific products called "Common Anode" 8x8 Matrix - Don't believe - Its a matrix - 8 Pins are common anode and 8 Pins are common cathode !
MAX7219 datasheet says its Common Anode ! Yes its common Anode but only for segment displays - For Matrix displays MAX7219 is always a friend!
A picture to end the the log!
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