The radio manager firmware is progressing pretty well. It is currently tracking/controlling the power-up, connect and socket open/close operations with the ST WIFI module. The next big piece of code to work on is the socket read code.
Debugging this part of the project requires 3 logic level serial streams to be monitored. A "console" port is used for displaying status, error messages and issuing commands for testing. The serial data to and from the WIFI module needs a serial channel each, to be able to see the raw commands and response data to the WIFI module in real time. The alternative would be breaking and examining serial buffers at each step with the JTAG debugger. I built a little 2 channel logic level serial to USB converter with clip leads on the data signals and ground from an old FTDI module.
Once the basic socket communication code is operating, I need to study the SMTP protocol to be able to send an email from this system. Eventually, I would like to get the ability to receive an email running as well, but that is work for another time. In order to test the SMTP code, I need to set up an SMTP server on my test machine. My plan is to install sendmail and configure it as simply as possible. The test machine is running Fedora, and it is only accessible through a dedicated wireless access point, so I don't think I need to go crazy hardening it for security like I would if it were accessible to the wild internet.
The WIFI module is capable of supporting TLS, but I think that I am going to work on implementing that as a later task.
With the WIFI operating and a socket to the test machine open, the whole board is only pulling about 72mA with 12V in. That is feeding the WIFI module, the Atmel MCU, the clock/calendar and the EEPROM. Turning off the radio drops the current to 40mA, and that is with the Atmel processor running at full speed. Some sleep operations on the Atmel should get that much lower. I am pretty happy about the low current consumption, as this thing will probably wind up running on batteries in some future use.
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