Eagle schematic and PCB design attached. Also attached sketches for both MCUs. The clock currently fully functional, but I am going to make improvements.
Atmega328p based clock using HUB75 16x32 RGB LED Matrix as display
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Eagle schematic and PCB design attached. Also attached sketches for both MCUs. The clock currently fully functional, but I am going to make improvements.
clock.zipSketches for each of two microcontrollersx-zip-compressed - 143.69 kB - 05/25/2017 at 15:18 |
clock.schEagle schematicsch - 629.26 kB - 05/25/2017 at 15:15 |
clock.brdEagle PCBbrd - 180.33 kB - 05/25/2017 at 15:15 |
seeedstudio_gerber_files.zipSeeedstudio gerber filesx-zip-compressed - 142.23 kB - 05/25/2017 at 15:15 |
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