
Trying a pHAT​

A project log for usHound

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kelu124kelu124 10/07/2018 at 20:070 Comments

Pushing a AD7476 on a pHAT looks promising. 12 bits, 1Msps, let's see !

Testing with a SPI_CLK at 1MHz, with a 1khz beacon, getting 9.5khz from the ADC:

Humm.. not the speed I'd be expecting. Let's explore the speed of sampling (Fech, in orange) vs the speed of the SPI_CLK (in blue). Seems it's stuck at 10khz for the RPi:

That would come from the RPi SPI overheads, with large intervals between captures. The below has a SPI_CLK at 18MHz, with large overheads between words: just need to find out where to accelerate the spi =)
