
Su il ripiano, su il morale!

Open Source removable tray with adjustable tablet support and elbow holders for electric wheelchairs

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We are a team of engineering students from the Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy) working with a 9 years old girl affected by spastic quadriplegia, (a subset of spastic cerebral palsy that affects all the four limbs). Our goal is to build a cheap tool for, and with, her, but which is easy to replicate. The total cost of the tool lies under 150€. All the components can be modified to adapt to other persons’ needs.

Su il ripiano, su il morale! Is an open source project licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

The project consists of a portable and adjustable tray that will allow Anita to keep a better posture while playing with her iPad.

The elbow holders will prevent her to keep her arms far too back.

A joystick modification will allow better grip and so enable more freedom and better mobility with the wheelchair.

With a GLIFO, we are trying to allow Anita to draw, activity that she likes a lot but that she cannot today enjoy do due to her tighten hand.

The project stems from a collaboration between the Hackabilty association (the first hackathon grouping both makers and people with disabilities) and the Hackability@PoliTo students team. The collaboration aims at co-design with disabled people tools that will improve their everyday life and foster their participation to active society.

You can find other awesome projects on the Hackability website here.

The team:

  • Marcella Toma
  • Giovanni Malacarne
  • Lorenzo Galleani
  • Eugenia Crisafulli
  • Giacomo Petraglia
  • Alessandro Meneghini
  • Matteo Monsello

  • Project Release

    Alessandro Meneghini06/15/2017 at 21:22 0 comments

    We are far away from perfection, but the first version of our project is online. You can check the instruction on Instructables and get the stl files from Thingivers, MyMiniFactor or Youmagine.

    We are planning to remake the table with a CNC router, to archive better quality, and also to design a better looking NinjaPillow and GLIFO. If you have any tips please share them with us!

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