
HF pinout guessing

A project log for OpenOpener

Open source (software and hardware) DC motor controller for electric gates

manuManu 08/25/2014 at 22:451 Comment

I own an OXI receiver with a few remote controls. As I don't have a pinout of the receiver, I checked which of the 4 output pins react when the remote control is pushed.

I connected the 4 output of the 433MHz HF receiver to 4 digital inputs of an Arduino Duemillanove (with a piece of breadboard I already have for IR testing).

With a simple sketch, I detected an output pin toggles for about 500ms when one of the remote control's buttons is pushed. This receiver output will be connected to a digital input of my dual gate controller board.

The forth pin of the 10-pin header is toggling:

thin edge of the oxi Rx


xx <- this pin is toggling




(thick edge)

pin 1 & 2: antenna

pin 4: signal

pin 7: +5V

pin 10: GND


Jean-Claude Fourchette wrote 01/08/2024 at 10:01 point

Very useful, thank you!

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