
DC Voltage Sensor - Voltage Divider

DC Voltage Sensor up to 30V using resistors as voltage divider

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This board is first designed to measure DC voltages from 0 to 30V, but possibilities are far grater. You can make simple code and measure battery voltage, use it as multimeter, and do simple measuring applications. Just wire DC + and - on corresponding screw terminals and use simple code to get voltage readings out of it using analog input from your micro controller. You can use any micro controller that has analog input.

This is voltage sensor used for measuring voltages up to 30V DC. It is easy to implement in your projects.

We wanted something simple that can do the job without any special wiring or trouble. We built it to be small and reliable. You can connect your DC leads via screw terminal and do rapid prototyping.

This board is small, compact, easy to assemble and use. It differs from others because small size and screw terminals.

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