
1st Brew

A project log for Brew Controller

A useful thing connected to the internet

chrisChris 06/10/2017 at 14:370 Comments

I've had a go with one of the kits and not a bad first attempt. The display showed the control kept the temperature within the setpoints. The log was saved to groove streams and I could read the latest data on groovestreams. Part way through I found that the data coming out of groove streams also counted towards the 5Mb limit, so I lost a day or too of the log, probably to me refreshing the webpage too often to update the graphs. I've removed these graphs as I plan to post the data directly to the webserver.

The heaters I'm using are a little overkill (250w total) as they were barely on and have resulted in a sawtooth wave on the measured temperature. this was expected, as the control is a bang bang controller. My limits were quite wide 18-20 degrees, so I can reduce the effect a little that way too.

I've had another go since and captured the following logs:
