IoB is a Bluetooth Low Energy weight sensor, placed under your bed, that forces you to get-up in order to stop your alarm clock!
Two weight sensors (from a cheap scale) are placed under the bed frame. The sensors are connected to an Adafruit Feather 32u4 BLE via an HX711 . TheFeather board sends the measured values to an Android alarm clock application through Bluetooth.
When the alarm starts the application try to connect the IoB . If the connection fails ( IoB is out of reach, or you are not at home) the application remains a standard alarm clock. But if the connection is established, all the buttons are disabled and the only way to stop the music is to get-up.
Of course if you go back to bed within a short amount of time (15 min) the alarm is trigger again.
I just finished the hardware assembly and the arduino code. I am know able to published the measured value via Bluetooth Low Energy. I checked the system using "nRF Connect" application. That was the easy part.