I have been a bit slow on updating the logs. Unfortunately there is a reason out of my control: the ATMEGA328PB has become unobtainium und thus making another prototype has become impossible.
All this despite the fantastic findchips.com. Findchips is agreat service for managing your BOMs and finding the right places to source them.
Nevertheless, they are nowhere to find anymore, not even on obscure websites and much less so official distributors.
If anybody has a good channel to Microchips - who are also sponsors of the hackaday prize - maybe you can ask them to look in some drawer for some left over ICs.... I'd be more than grateful to get a handful of them!
Meanwhile I have been polishing the enclosure with some laser cut panels. Below is a picture of the local fab lab SOFAB:

And this is what the result looks like:

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Don't hate me for this :) but what about using a cortex m4 part that has dedicated hardware for BLDC controllers? Looking forward to building one at some point.
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"It seems that perfection is attained, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Slightly less wordy: I like the KISS principle and the 328 is very well capable of doing the job, so why more? Also the datasheet is pretty compact with only 400 pages. For the cortex cores you need plenty of boiler plate code even for simple things.
But I am not going to hate you for this ;) Enjoy the fun!
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May be you'll need to think about alternatives that are in stock as last lead time is 1/2 year?
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Yes indeed. I just have to kick the gears in again and start rerouting the PCB. After now six revisions I was happy to have a "perfect" board and was looking to have a few made. Instead the circle of make & order a new PCB, wait, assemble and test starts over again.
What I liked on the 328PB are the 5 timers and the extra two pins. This allows for very elegant code solutions. But essentially the controller can do without.
Last not least it is summer time and I am always tempted to spend time outside on the bike instead of in front of a computer screen!
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Same problem here. It is very hard (especially this year) to sit down and work on projects when the T-shirt season in Canada is only 3-4 months each year. :(
I saw some 328PB eval board (ATMEGA328PB-XMINI ~ $10) in stock, but it really depends on how many chips you'll need and what your rework skills are.
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