
What the YAD?

A project log for Sub $200 PCB Mill that doesn't suck!

A PCB mill inspired by open source CNC 3D printers with a custom design to fit standard size copper clad boards (6" x 4" / 160mm x 100mm)

timo-birnscheinTimo Birnschein 06/25/2017 at 01:272 Comments

The moment you realize....

Your X-axis is inverted. And I was like... Why the hack does the 'H' look so weird!!?? .... [long break] ... oh it's a 'Y'... darn.


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Gravis wrote 06/26/2017 at 16:21 point

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Timo Birnschein wrote 06/26/2017 at 16:45 point

That would be nice to have, yes. I will try to come up with something. However, I can't rub out all that material without burning through a range of bits :)

So I will make some traces in Eagle and mill those. I already confirmed that I can put traces underneath a 0603 capacitor and they work reliably. That was satisfactory for me but I understand that hackaday users want to see more than one example :)

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