As I started listing things down to connect with my Pi, I also realized I sometimes needed IR Sensor, sometimes a Buzzer and sometimes even a simple USART or SPI header was needed.
So, ended up with this list in the end:
Hardware (mentioned pins are BCM Pins)
- Nokia 5110/3310 LCD (RST,CE,D/C,DIN,CLK==24,8,23,10,11)
- LED (21)
- Buzzer (16 - with 2N2222)
- USB Powered Speaker
- TSOP17xx IR Receiver (20)
- 5x Push-to-Make Buttons (26,19,13,6,5)
- DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor (17)
- DS18B20 Temperature Sensor (4)
- DS1307 RTC (SDA,SCL==2,3)
- USB WebCam
Libraries/Software Tools (used/planned to be used)
- Adafruit Nokia LCD Library
- Adafruit Python DHT Library
- Python RPI GPIO
- Wiring Pi
Device Tree (/boot/config.txt)
- IR Input (gpio-ir)
- DHT11
- DS1307 RTC
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