
Pi based SNMP Monitor

A project log for Pi Purza - an IO board for Pi

got tired of connecting sensors, LCD, RTC, LEDs and buttons to a Pi, so here is a small PCB for it.

zaidpirwaniZaidPirwani 06/11/2017 at 09:120 Comments

So, I was called in at a local university for a discussion regarding an SNMP based environmental monitor - which would use a Raspberry Pi and have some temperature and humidity and other sensors attached to it and at the back of my head, I was screaming PI PURZA.

Anyways, they also need some relay connections and also possibly water spill detection, door open/close detection and such - I think all this can be still doen with the Pi Purza - I did start with a basic Sketchup drawing and a positioning check on a vero board.
