
RC Pram / Buggy / Stroller / Pushchair

An old buggy... with added RC :-)

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I have been wanting to make an RC car for a while... finally got around to making one from spare parts but it didnt work particularly well...

A Pushchair was left abandoned on the street after the local kids had had their fun playing about on it ( /classy area/ ), I nabbed it as the frame seemed pretty intact even though the tyres were flat and the fabric was worse for wear and set about adapting it.

Several 3D printed brackets and pulleys later, a couple of toothed belts and some RC gubbins and behold! It lives!

The acceleration is reasonable; wheelies are possible :-)

Disclaimer: This is not good for the motors (950KV quadcopter motors), they have very little startup torque and they scream a bit.


Demonstrating the ability to pull a wheelie :-)

MPEG-4 Video - 9.32 MB - 06/19/2017 at 10:08


  • 1 × Mothercare Xtreme Travel System Pushchair
  • 1 × set of RC bits
  • 2 × 240XL toothed belts
  • 2 × 310XL toothed belts
  • 1 × various 3d printed parts

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  • 1
    Step 1

    If you plan on replicating this, you are highly unlikely to have the same donor parts as me, so you will probably need to modify various bits, mainly the 3d printed ones to suit.

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