Pipe cutting...
09/08/2014 at 00:57 • 0 commentsCutting 15cm length of PVC in half required more than what I had with the compound mitre saw of goodness. I wound up next door with the neighbour's table saw. He said, "That smells funny." I mentioned that he might not want to inhale the fumes - they might be a tad carcinogenic. Hence cutting outdoors was a good idea. Oh - I wore safety glasses for those who were paying attention...
Pictures to follow tomorrow morning.
09/05/2014 at 13:28 • 0 commentsI managed to get the pipe that I wanted, cut to the desired length, and put the SBC into it for sizing. I'll have to cut the pipe down the middle so I can easily insert and remove the guts. I'll also have to cut a hole in the top for the mirror mast assembly. For the cutting, it's been recommended by a coworker that I use a table saw and some sort of jig to hold everything together.
I want to cut up some more pipe to help with the sealing and weather-proofing of the unit.
Endcaps will be purchased once I'm ready to retrieve them. I guess if I don't get things cut up this weekend, I'll work on the software.
I'm skipping opencv as I'd have to get a better microSD card and I don't have that in my budget. So I'll roll my own lib4vl grabber and dewarping algorithm...
Pipes!!! Tubes!!!
09/04/2014 at 10:26 • 0 commentsTonight I'll be acquiring 1 x RPS Products ABS DWV CELLCORE 04INx3FT for my enclosure. I talked with a co-worker about the enclosure - I'm looking at end caps such as this one: Oatey 43805C 4-in Dia. PVC Cap. The enclosure sealing will be performed with some pipe cutting magic.
09/02/2014 at 16:33 • 0 commentsI managed to get the mirror case and mirror together with the help of some playdough. I took some photos and demonstrated to my colleagues how my idea is going to shape up. I'll draw up a diagram of the system and submit it next. It's all coming together slowly....
Missed the deadline.
08/21/2014 at 11:34 • 0 commentsOh well - I'll contribute updates to this project - I just never got around to getting the video going.
I have decided to work with PVC piping to build the enclosure - cheap and easy to work with and I've done other projects with it including a monitor mount for my basement wall. -
Occifer Bob Project Log
08/19/2014 at 13:55 • 0 commentsI managed to acquire all of the components I listed except for the conical mirror and the bits of plastic that I intend to use to house it all in. I'm contemplating PVC as I just love to cut and join the stuff. I'll assemble the gear and take photos once I'm back in my workshop.