PL/0 Completed?
Brave words! Can it really be completed? There are still things I would like to add but I need to move on. The current state of play is:
- Recognises most PL/0 dialects.
- Tolerant to redundant ";"
- One dimensional arrays
- Pascal strings
To do:
Would like to add an ASM instruction (pass through to the target CPU).
Rework the error messages to provide better hints.
Here is an example program:
{ Program Test String } var Str[16],Prompt[16]; procedure ReadStr; var i,test; { Read a Pascal string, uses Str } begin i:=1; test:=1; while test=1 do begin getc Str[i]; if Str[i]<32 then begin Str:=i-1; { Str == Str[0] } test:=0 end else begin if i=16 then begin test:=0; Str:=i end else begin i:=i+1 end end end end; procedure WriteStr; var i; { Write a string, uses Str } begin i:=1; while i<=Str do begin putc Str[i]; i:=i+1 end end; procedure WritePrompt; var i; { Write Prompt } begin i:=1; while i<=Prompt do begin putc Prompt[i]; i:=i+1 end end; begin Prompt:="String Test"; call WritePrompt; putc 10; { new line } Prompt:="Enter a string: "; call WritePrompt; call ReadStr; Prompt:="You wrote: "; call WritePrompt; call WriteStr; putc 10; { new line } end.You may notice I have used redundant ":" in this example.
And here is the run:
C:\AlanX\pl0>.\PLZero_Tokeniser\PLZero_Tokeniser -i test18.pl0 -o test18.token -nl C:\AlanX\pl0>.\PLZero_Compiler\PLZero_Compiler -i test18.token -o test18.code -t test18.table C:\AlanX\pl0>.\PLZero_Interpreter\PLZero_Interpreter -i test18.code -o -s test18.stack String Test Enter a string: Hello World! You wrote: Hello World! C:\AlanX\pl0>pause Press any key to continue . . .
I think that is pretty cool!
The next task is to write a P-Code to Subleq translator.
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