
Assembling the Prototypes

A project log for DIY EVI-Style Windcontroller

The EVI is at-risk of becoming extinct. Explore the development of a DIY EVI Windcontroller for survival of this great instrument

steve-andersonSteve Anderson 08/12/2017 at 00:270 Comments

Currently, we are in the process of assembling basic prototypes for testing.  We continue to work on sourcing of materials for the instrument itself.  The primary challenge that remains is the physical construct for the EVI vibrato sensor. This is a critical part of the EVI, however I am confident that between Johan and myself, we will arrive at a solution.  We knew this would be a challenge, but it is not insurmountable.

In the meantime, we are making testable EVI instrument forms.  I will be using a plexiglass sandwich design with a canister.  The hardware is so tiny, that there is plenty of room for wiring, tubing, etc.  Space is not an issue. In fact, we have a luxurious amount of room to play with.

Technically, one could fabricate a small EVI. But I personally like the size of the EVI. Much like a trumpet player would prefer the feel of a traditional trumpet to a pocket trumpet or cornet.  

So let the drilling, sanding and cutting begin as we build our Franken-EVIs!  We make tremendous and rapid progress. However,  this is hard work too! Lots of time and thought already has gone into this project. This makes it all the more worthwhile that we work to preserve the noble and well designed Steiner-EVI for future generations.

Next to come - user testing, tuning, etc. to make sure we have a stable, usable instrument that plays well in a variety of conditions. Also some experimentation will likely occur along the way!


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