
Getting My Hands Dirty -Eric

A project log for South LA Robotics - BIG 2017

Prototype an educational robotics product to jump-start a viable open-source educational tech business in South LA

ericeric 08/09/2017 at 23:150 Comments

Hey everyone,

My name's Eric and I'm joining the Barnabas Innovation Group. I was brought on to this project to help out with this little guy;

    This is the board that Josh developed, and it is incredible. This little dude can essentially act as an entire vex brain! We at Barnabas Robotics are super excited to see what this thing can do for ourselves, and partner with Josh to come up with some applications for it, such as a robot chassis for it.

    Before we can do anything like that, however, I had to put one together myself. Luckily the soldering stencil we had made the re-flow soldering process far easier than it could have been. So now from here we need to burn bootloaders into the two microcontrollers used and then we can start programming this bad boy. After that it's off to the races.
