
F-150 Carputer

Build a car radio with Navigation, iPod control from a raspberry pi

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Build a car radio with Navigation, iPod control, CAN-BUS connectivity for climate control & ODBII and ....? from a raspberry pi

see GitHub here.

Gist for steps used to setup pi here.

Just getting started....

Developing the interface in python using kivy and inkscape for the graphics and doing research on how to bring everything together.

Once I get the climate control interface developed I will start working on the connection to the trucks CAN-BUS to get the pi to control the AC, will probably move to the iPod integration/control then.

CAN-BUS References:

Cowfish Studios

Installing Python-CAN for Raspberry Pi


iPhone Control References:


Control iDevice from linux over USB



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  • Status Update #1

    Kevin Williams07/21/2017 at 23:51 0 comments

    New PI3 came this week, hats off to Copperhill Technologies for getting a replacement out so fast.  Also purchased a Bluetooth keyboard and 7" touch screen. 

    Issues at this point:

    • need a 5V 2.5A power source (purchased a 3A, as I need to power PI, PICAN and screen)
    • Kivy app shows on screen but touch screen not working, may need to start from CLI and not desktop, but with power issue did not want to continue testing
    • with the PICAN on the PI cannot connect jumpers from screen control board to GPIO, ordered and extender with longer pins

    Good link for connecting PI3 to touchscreen.

  • Bad Wifi

    Kevin Williams07/15/2017 at 13:11 0 comments

    Got everything set up on the pi to read the CAN-BUS, was connecting to it through the ODB-II port for now (ultimately will use the radio harness as it has the high and low can connections), but the ODB-II is convenient and has +12V power - so good for testing.

    Pi power on, no readings, brought it back in a changed some settings, plugged it back and now no WiFi -- research seems to point to bad WiFi card, as Bluetooth is out too. Contacted Copperhill and they are sending a new pi.

  • New Pi 3

    Kevin Williams07/10/2017 at 21:44 1 comment

    Just got the Pi 3, wow so much faster!!!

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