This is a slightly over the top project, I'm sorry to say. I happen to have a tablet computer that insists on charging from a 12V power supply, but I would like to use it for longer than the built-in battery allows. Unfortunately for me, 12V powerbanks are quite rare, expensive and just not hackerish enough. So I built my own.
This powerbank has 2 regular USB-A outputs with a combined capacity of 2A, but the real fun starts with the 36W, programmable 9-24V output. You can use a little USB utility to set the output voltage. But that's just the beginning.
It is programmable - not a little bit, you can literally write programs for it. It supports an easy to use pseudocode programming style that lets you blink the LEDs, turn the various outputs on and off, respond to the output current changing, time stuff. You can program it to be an alarm clock by blinking at you after a certain amount of time. You can use it as a programmable portable power supply. It's awesome.
I've done some really in-depth analysis on the ADC in the powerbank, partially in preparation for the newest firmware, partially because I was just curious. I'm sure you will like this video!
I am looking for a small portable device that can power my pi zero boards I leave around places. Maybe I could use some of what you have learnt here to create one? I'd need (or want to) add a small solar pannel for charging, i'd also like it so it only turns on at a certain time of the day and conserves battery / charges for the rest of it. Think it could be done with your little device here? That's the sort of size I'm thinking for the solar battery supply.
Very cool project, really nicely done!
What have you used it for so far?
I am looking for a small portable device that can power my pi zero boards I leave around places. Maybe I could use some of what you have learnt here to create one? I'd need (or want to) add a small solar pannel for charging, i'd also like it so it only turns on at a certain time of the day and conserves battery / charges for the rest of it. Think it could be done with your little device here? That's the sort of size I'm thinking for the solar battery supply.