
Thirteen Countries, a Picnic Dinner, and a Mobile Command Post

A event log for 2017 Eclipse Meetup, Rexburg, Idaho

Join us for possibly the best eclipse viewing location in the US! Watch the moon's shadow race eastward from an extinct volcano!

dan-maloneyDan Maloney 07/27/2017 at 21:280 Comments

Just got a newsletter from the fellow who's hosting our camping adventure and it sounds like this is shaping up to be a huge deal. He's got people coming from 13 different countries and 21 states -- even people from states close to other parts of the path of totality are flocking to Idaho! Sounds like it's going to be a great time. He's even hosting a Saturday night dinner, picnic style. Details in the newsletter.

As for the Hackaday Meetup, we've switched from rough camping to "glamping" -- we bought a 23' travel trailer. Not really just for the occasion, since we'd been planning on doing it anyway. But this seemed like a great excuse to get into the North Idaho lifestyle. The trailer, henceforth referred to as the Hackaday Eclipse Meetup Mobile Command Center (HEMMCC), will be somewhere in the "A" lot west of South Menan Butte. Detailed location to follow, but just look for the big Jolly Wrencher banner.

And depending on interest, we might host a Sunday evening Hackaday get-together at the HMCCMC. We'll bust out the grill and cook up something good. Details to follow.
