
Robotic Underwater Explorer: "Atlantis 7"

Laptop, Radar System, GPS Navigation, RC Controller with monitor (2), On-board Video Camcorders (3), Telescope

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I've never done an underwater explorer (aka -- submarine...) for research and scientific discovery. The command center will be an apple computer with video software and a wireless feed. It's general purpose is for deep water exploration and going where few have entered. The inspiration came from two book(s) titled "SeaLife" and "Evolution" and where the concept for the build began. It's going to be a useless assembly to install a security network, but you never know. One last important detail a "robotic arm" with built-in electronic science equipment on-board.

This is most likely a long-term operation and a great deal of figuring before constructing this underwater explorer. I'm gonna set a goal for this upcoming spring where this "Science and Research" vessel, the "Atlantis 7", will make it's first exploration of deep ocean waters. 

I'm gonna go in search of a nautical map and make it a point to travel by sea and create an exact route: distance, depth, launch and destination. I'll be conducting an equipment check to be sure that all gear has been acquired for and prepared far in advance. Also, gotta get permission (well, depending on location...) to use the submersible and find out about restrictions.

Most importantly due a test launch...

  • 1 × One-man Submersible With a low-powered engine
  • 3 × Security Video Cameras With night vision
  • 2 × RC Controllers With Built-in monitors
  • 1 × Apple MAC-PRO Desktop Setup With navigation software and wireless feed capability
  • 1 × GPS Navigation

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  • Drawing / Outlines

    Darksider708/19/2014 at 19:05 0 comments

    1. The drawings and much of the paperwork is coming steadily, with the hope, that I can complete the majority of it soon. For the lengthy 16-weeks that I've been absent from making a log entry been consumed in thought and updates. In the upcoming Spring planning on going to sea for some exploration and formulating a map to where I'm headed at 2,500 feet. There is a old family owned bookstore that has a collection of original drawn maps, must stop in.


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  • 1
    Step 1

    All Custom Made.

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davedarko wrote 12/10/2014 at 08:53 point
Bombing you with questions again ;) why would you start with the outlines? Do you have your basic hardware already? How does gps work under water?

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Darksider7 wrote 12/10/2014 at 10:02 point
Excellent questions -- The outlines and drawings are coming and, yes, I'm starting here because it gives me a reference to work from. The hardware is still under construction and might need changes way before even the Spring comes around the corner. I'm currently searching for an alternative fuel for the submersible. On it's own (gas...) its way to destructive for the environment, need an environmentally safe alternative. Then again, the sub will be outfitted so anything unsafe will be filtered instead of being released into our oceans and natural habitats for sea life.

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Darksider7 wrote 08/19/2014 at 18:56 point
Hello DaveDarko: Yes, the submersible will be a complete from scratch project. It won't be as big as a one-man submarine but the controls will have auto and manual options. In this case mostly robotic controlled with the functions of a deep water sub.

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davedarko wrote 08/19/2014 at 19:21 point
eletronics and water, always interesting to watch :) Good luck, I will follow this :)

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davedarko wrote 08/19/2014 at 14:17 point
Are you building from scratch or are you using something like openROV to start with?

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