
Ridiculous config UI

A project log for Over-engineered LED strip controller

Way too much stuff to light my garage MY way.

wjcarpenterWJCarpenter 07/16/2017 at 21:160 Comments

I got this idea while browsing the Lua API for nodemcu (although I don't plan to use Lua).

Besides the normal operational inputs (PIRs, rotary encoders [including switches]), there are no other inputs. I could use some of these things to activate some kind of configuration UI:

Given this idea, I don't know what I'd actually do with it. Most configuration will be controlled by constants embedded in the code, and updating them is just a matter of downloading a new firmware. I guess this could save me the awkwardness of firmware updates after this stuff is installed.

OTOH, I can also run a web server via the built-in wifi, so maybe this is a pointless idea after all.
