

A project log for PROMer

Yet another manual programmer for old fuse PROM chips

yann-guidon-ygdesYann Guidon / YGDES 07/16/2017 at 10:570 Comments

I've been lucky to find several similar circuits on the web, as well as datasheets. Here's a list for those who are as curious as me...

I'm not sure to understand most of it but it contains some interesting ideas.

Note: this schematic applies to the 82S23 which has a particular, slower programming cycle, with a 1s pulse, limited to about 65mA (hence the series resistor and the push button), as found at :

Yup, Vpp is also applied to the data pin, not Vcc...

Note that current-limiting the Vpp node should be possible with a suitable base resistance...

(ok it's obviously a translation and redrawing of the original TI datasheet but it's still nice)
