
Schematic PDF Available

A project log for TinyFPGA A-Series

Low-cost, open-source FPGA boards in a tiny form factor.

luke-valentyLuke Valenty 10/07/2017 at 03:060 Comments

I've finally gone over the schematics of all my projects and organized them a little bit so they are nice and easy to follow.  For people that don't have KiCad installed, making the schematics available in PDF form is much more convenient and easy to share for quick reference.

You can view the PDF directly on GitHub:, or you can take a look at the image included below.

I've also started a new project, #The Hobbyist's Guide to FPGAs.  I'll be posting articles, tutorials, and hands on labs using the TinyFPGA boards as project logs.  If this sounds interesting to you then follow the project to be updated when new content is posted.


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