
Internet controlled Robots

Create robots that are controlled by internet users. This allows users to interact and explore the world.

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Create unlimited possibilities of robot types that allow internet to control and interact with environment around it via website Robots utilize Raspberry Pi 3 as main processor. From there motor / servo controls are added. Camera, microphone and speakers to allow users to see, speak, and listen to the world around the robot.

Creating robots that allow user to interact and experience places they normally would not be able to go. This could be someone confined to bed or someone just wanting to experience different cultures. setup the website and software that users can put onto their robots to allow users with internet access to control them.

RoboTruck has the chassis of a Venom Creeper 4wd RC truck. It uses a Raspberry Pi 3 B with Adafruit 16 ch PWM hat to control the steering and throttle. It uses Espeak to allow TTS from internet users. Using the webcame and microphone users can interact and navigate the environment around them. RoboTruck was designed to be taken outdoors. This will allow users to visit parks, hiking, and other outdoor adventures. It is powered with a power bank with 2 usb ports and 3S lipo battery.

Blueberry is still a work in progress. It will have continuous rotation servos for wheel control. A gripper for further user interaction. Chassis is 3D printed with hand made aluminum parts.

  • 1 × Raspberry pi 3
  • 1 × Adafruit 16 ch PWM hat
  • 1 × micro sd card
  • 1 × Servos
  • 1 × motors

View all 7 components

  • Blueberry get updates and goes on adventure

    Ralph07/24/2017 at 04:03 1 comment

    Camera mount did not work out well.  3D printed a tilt mount for Blueberry.  Now users can tilt camera to see gripper.   Blueberry successfully went on an adventure out in public.  Users got to interact with people at Walmart. 

  • Blueberry is alive

    Ralph07/24/2017 at 04:02 0 comments

    Finished setting up Blueberry robot.   Lots of custom fabrication.    Also took a while to program in all the PWM settings.  

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Prepare Micro SD card

    - Download Raspbian Jessie

    -Burn Raspbian to sd card

  • 2
    Configure Raspbian

    -Boot into Raspbian

    - Change default password (safety)

    -Install required software Alsa, X264, FFmpeg using guide at

    -install software

  • 3
    setup hardware will need to edited depending on your hardware being used. (PWM, Motors, etc) will need to edited based on your camera and microphone settings.

View all 4 instructions

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