
Source files for the "ScienceRobot Robot Building Platform" and "Helper" Robot now available

A project log for Two Leg Robot

An open-source robot that helps makers build low-cost robots without having to start from scratch.

ted-huntingtonTed Huntington 07/21/2017 at 06:350 Comments

07/20/2017: I have gathered together all the files for my Robot Building platform (which I am calling "ScienceRobot Robot Building Platform") and two-leg robot (I am calling "ScienceRobot Helper"). I had to clean up some of the PCB files, and tried to learn to use GitHub. I decided to organize the files into 3 folders: "Electronics", "Plastic Parts", and "Software". So far there are 2,961 files totalling 200MB. I finally decided to just zip everything and upload it to: So take a look if interested. I am planning on making much more documentation, in particular videos explaining the development of this robot and robot building platform. 


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